
How To Write A Blog UK – From Blank Page To Brilliant Blog That WOWS Your Readers

Do you know that feeling of staring at a blank screen with the cursor blinking at you, mocking your inability to come up with the perfect words? Every writer knows this feeling all too well – that moment when your mind goes completely blank, and you feel like you’ll never be able to write anything worthwhile again. 

But it is not a thing to worry too much about, especially when you are writing for the first time, as it is a daunting task to collect your words, ideas, emotions and thoughts in one blank word screen! Well, all this is the game of confidence that you should build up to write a blog. I am here to make it a way easier for you and to sweep away all the confusion related to how to write a blog UK. Put an end to all your excuses, and let’s get started!

quick information in this blog

What Is a Blog?

So, the question is, what is a blog exactly? Or how to write a successful blog without any help or assistance. Basically, a blog is not a group of words or phrases; it is the decade of experience a writer or a blogger has ever had. Although a blog post length varies according to your topic, the average length of a blog post is 2000 words. Blogs are never formal; rather, they should be conversational, as you have to satisfy your readers and help them understand what you want to say.  

According to a survey conducted by YouGov in 2020, approximately 42% of adults in the UK read blogs on a regular basis. This percentage has increased over the past few years. Blogs offer businesses a fantastic opportunity to provide their audience with more detailed insights into their products and services. Whether you’re a foodie wanting to share recipes or a tech company showcasing new products, blogs are the perfect way to get your message out there.

Why You Should Write One?

Why You Should Write One

establish yourself as an expert in your industry. By creating high-quality content that’s informative and engaging, you can build trust and credibility with your audience. And with the influence of social media nowadays, the blog is the best option to help people find you online.

Let me share something interesting that happened to me when I was writing my first blog post ever. I created multiple drafts as I couldn’t satisfy myself with the content I wrote. But here is the thing you should never compare yourself with other expert bloggers; otherwise, you will self-deprecate yourself. You have to develop courage and practice more and more to make your way to a bright future. Mark my words, you can do it by your efforts, and you’ll shout EUREKA yourself!  

So if you are a blogger or writer writing a blog post for the first time, don’t worry about who will read your first blog post. It could be just your best friend or your neighbour’s dog, for all that matters! What really counts is that you started sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. The first blog post is just the beginning. With dedication and persistence, your blog can attract an audience and establish you as an authority in your field.

Crucial Considerations to Clarify Before Starting Your Blogging Journey!

Following are some considerations you should keep in mind before writing a blog post. Remember that content marketing is a 500 billion-pound business! That’s right; you heard me correctly – HALF A TRILLION POUNDS! Would you like to ruin your efforts for just some bloody mistakes? If you want fruitful results for your efforts, then continue reading this blog.

Determine the best topics to cover

Determine the best topics to cover

Before writing your blog, ask yourself what you are really good at. Or what niche/topic you can cover with ease and make your audience understand it. The topic can be related to your interest, hobby, profession, news etc. So let me help you sort out what topic you should cover in your first blog post. Take out your notepad, and let’s get started:

So, how to choose a blog title? Let me explain to you with an interesting example; you’re a personal trainer, right? So you want to start a blog and get your fitness knowledge out there. You may be tempted to dive into advanced topics like periodization or metabolic conditioning from the get-go. However, it’s important to remember that some of your readers may be beginners who need more basic information first.  

Some Examples of Blog Types for Crafting a Killer First Blog Post

Here are some examples of engaging blog posts:

  1.  The “How-To” Post: How-to posts provide step-by-step instructions for completing a task or solving a problem. Examples might include “How to Start a Blog” or “How to Make Homemade Pizza.” These posts are valuable resources for readers who want to learn a new skill or improve their knowledge.
  2. The “What Is” Post: These posts explain a concept or idea, often in response to a common question. Examples might include “What Is Social Media Marketing?” or “What Is Blockchain Technology?”
  3. The Infographic Post: Infographics use visual elements like charts, graphs, and illustrations to present information in an engaging way. These posts are often shared on social media because they’re visually appealing and easy to understand.
  4. The Pillar Page Post: A pillar page is a comprehensive guide to a broad topic, such as “The Ultimate Guide to SEO” or “The Complete Guide to Email Marketing.” These posts are typically longer and more detailed than other types of posts and are designed to be a go-to resource for readers.
  5. The Newsjacking Post: News jacking involves taking advantage of a current event or news story to create content that’s timely and relevant. For example, a business might write a blog post about how their product can help people during a pandemic.
  6. The List-Based Post: This type of post presents information in the form of a list, such as “10 Tips for Better Sleep” or “5 Ways to Save Money on Groceries.” List-based posts are popular because they’re easy to read and provide actionable advice.

So go ahead, take the plunge and choose a type that excites you! With a little creativity and effort, you can create a blog post that informs, entertains, and resonates with your readers.

Now that you have decided what would be your blog post’s type. Answer the following suggestions for your blog post topic:

  • Your area of expertise: things you are really expert at means your strengths.
  • Your passion: things you are most interested in.
  • Your learning: things you are currently learning that you can better explain.

This is only 5 minutes of “Think Tank” you have to answer. Now pick out the best one for you. To understand what areas of the topic you should cover, you can go for keyword research. Now you have your keyword, and you have to use it to find out what are the common questions asked by your audience. For this purpose, you can use tools for keyword research. Some common tools for keyword research are:

  • Google Keyword Planner – this is a free tool provided by Google Ads that allows you to find relevant keywords and get estimated search volume data.
  • Google Trends – this free tool helps you to find out how many times a particular keyword is searched in different regions.
  • Answer the public – this free tool generates a list of questions and queries related to your keyword.
  • Ubersuggest – this free tool provides you with the search volume data, metrics and keyword ideas for your keyword.
  • Ahrefs – this is a paid tool that generates detailed keyword research and analysis, as well as backlink analysis and site auditing.
  • SEMrush – this tool has a paid version which gives comprehensive keyword research and analysis, including keyword difficulty, competitor analysis, and more.
  • Moz Keyword Explorer – this paid tool helps you discover new keyword opportunities and prioritize which ones to target based on factors such as search volume and competition.

3 Essential Instructions You Cannot Afford to Overlook Before Keyword Research!

1. Look for long tail keywords

Gain grounds with Qualified Keyword Research Services

If you want to pump up your SEO game and attract the right peeps to your site, you should definitely look for long-tail keywords. By using them in your content, you can rank higher in search results and better understand your audience’s needs. They’re more specific phrases that have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates.

2. Always go for low-volume keywords

High-volume keywords might seem like the way to go at first glance, but they’re often too broad and competitive, making it difficult to rank in search results. Low-volume keywords, on the other hand, are often more specific and targeted, attracting visitors who are more likely to engage with your content or make a purchase.

3. Keep an eye on your competitors

outrank your competitors

It’s important to keep a close eye on what your competitors are up to and how they’re doing things. By keeping tabs on their online presence, you can learn about their strengths and weaknesses, see what’s working for them, and maybe even find some ways to improve your own game.

Now that you know all the tips, you can totally get what your audience is searching for with your chosen keyword. This will help you create content that’s spot-on and resonates with your target market.

Truly understand your target audience

To really get your target market, you got to know them inside out! You need to dig deep into what makes them tick, what they love and hate, and how they behave. 

Refer to the following tips to better understand your target audience:

1. Do some serious market research:

Get down and dirty with the data! Find out everything you can about your customers – their age, gender, location, income, interests, and more. You can do this by running surveys or interviews or even stalking them (just kidding!).

2. Create customer personas:

Once you have all that juicy data, use it to build detailed profiles of your ideal customers. Give those names, personalities, and backstories. This helps you connect with them on a personal level and tailor your marketing efforts to their needs and wants.

3. Check out the competition:

Check out the competition

Keep an eye on what your rivals are up to. What tactics are they using to snag customers? What can you learn from them? Use this knowledge to develop unique selling propositions that set your brand apart.

4. Utilize social media to gain valuable customer insights:

Social media is a goldmine as it provides you with a wealth of information about your target market. By following them on popular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you can gain insight into their interests. Additionally, monitoring online reviews and comments can help you understand what customers like or dislike about your industry.

5. Remain up-to-date on industry trends:

Keeping abreast of emerging trends in your industry is critical to ensuring that your marketing strategy remains effective. Trends influence consumer behaviour and can impact your target audience’s preferences and decision-making. For example, if your target demographic skews towards millennials, prioritizing mobile optimization and social media marketing may be necessary.

6. Powerful Tools to Understand Your Target Market Better

  1. Google Analytics: This is a free tool that provides insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and demographics of your audience.
  2. SurveyMonkey: This tool allows you to create surveys and collect feedback from your audience.  
  3. Awario: This paid tool helps businesses understand customer sentiment and identify trends through social media listening.
  4. Forsage: This tool provides insights into the motivations and interests of a particular market segment through its referral marketing program.

Analyze your competitors

Analyze your competitors

If you don’t have any idea where to start or you are still confused about what to do! Here your competitors can be your mentor who can guide you to the roadmap of success. Exploring your competitors like a detective on a mission can be exciting, and by doing this, you’ll understand who your main rival is. Do some research on your competitor’s website, and you’ll get to know what they’re up to.

 Take a deep dive and identify what sets them apart from the others in the market. Check out their strategies, and you can learn a lot from their success (and mistakes also!). You can easily outrank your competitors if you get to know their weaknesses and make them your strengths. Gather some insights and explore their main targets and what they care about. By using this knowledge, you can build your own strategy and gain a competitive edge.

Why You Need to Get on Board with Competitor Analysis Tools

Do you really want to know what your competitors are doing right (or wrong) so you can improve your own marketing strategy? The good news is that there are plenty of competitor analysis tools out there that can help you gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the game.

So why should you waste countless hours snooping around trying to gather information on your rivals? By using the right analysis tools at your disposal, you can quickly and efficiently assess how you stack up against your top competitors in just a few clicks. These powerful tools help you how to write a blog UK and provide valuable insights into your competition’s strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to craft targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience.

1. Ahrefs (my favourite tool)


This tool is a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to SEO, PPC, and content marketing. It gives you a ton of data on backlinks, organic search traffic, social media shares, and more. With Ahrefs, you can snoop on your competitors’ top-performing keywords, their best-performing pages, and their link-building strategies. 

So basically, you can get all the dirt on what they’re doing right (and wrong) and use that info to make your own strategy even better. And you know the best part! Ahrefs has a great feature to identify content gaps between you and your competitors. This means that you can see what topics or keywords your competitors are ranking for that you’re not and use that information to create new, high-quality content that fills those gaps.

2. BuiltWith

It’s a super cool website profiler that shows you what technologies other websites are using. It’s perfect for spying on your competitors and seeing what tools they use to manage their online presence. And the best part? BuiltWith is really easy to use! Just look up your competitors’ websites and take note of any technology that stands out.

3. Visualping

Visualping is the ultimate web monitoring tool that empowers you to stay ahead of the competition. You can effortlessly keep track of any webpage changes – whether it’s your rivals’ product launches, updates to their website design, or pricing alterations. 

The powerful platform sends you instant email alerts whenever any monitored page changes, giving you a bird’s-eye view of your competitors’ latest moves. It’s like having your own 24/7 surveillance drone hovering over their website, providing you with valuable insights to guide your business strategy.

You’ve mastered the art of competitive analysis and are now ready to take on the next step in building a successful blog – crafting an irresistible blog title.

Go for a memorable and impactful blog title

impactful title

Imagine you’re at a blog post with a boring or vague title. Will you continue to read that blog post or simply switch to another one? Definitely, you will go for another blog post. After all, no one wants to read a blog post with such a boring title. 

Your blog title is a hook for your readers; that urges them to read what is inside. So, the blog title must be catchy, compelling, and relevant to your content. You have to keep your readers engaged by adding some spice to it. Well, writing a blog title may seem like a straightforward task, but it can actually be quite challenging. A good blog title is always attention-grabbing, accurate, and relevant to the content of your post.

6 Useful Tips & Tricks For A Blog Title To Draw Reader's Attention

  1. Be Specific: Don’t be vague – make sure your headline accurately describes what your content is about. It should provide the real value a reader is looking for.
  2. Use intriguing words: use such words to develop curiosity like “decoding,” “proven,” “must-have”, and “revealing.”
  3. Go for long headlines: Long headlines provide more information, and they satisfy the customer and urge him to click to read the blog. So in the case of blogs, long headlines are preferred for user engagement.
  4. Use numbers: By using numbers in your blog title, it becomes more interesting as one knows how long the blog post will be.
  5. Incorporate a negative title: This means that incorporating a negative tone into your title could be an effective way to grab readers’ attention and maximize the impact of your blog posts.
  6. Prefer question headlines: Question headlines are like candy for the brain, generating an irresistible urge to find out what’s behind the mystery you’re presenting. By crafting a compelling query that speaks to your audience’s interests and concerns, you can create an instant hook that draws them in and keeps them engaged. Like “What is in here for you?”

By utilizing these tricks, you can create a mind-blowing headline that urges your readers to read your blog post. Moreover, for your ease, you can make multiple blog titles, and the one that seems perfect or suits your blog can be used. But if you need any help in generating the title, you can use tools like:

  1. Hubspot blog ideas generator
  2. Inbound now
  3. Tweak your biz

Choose a domain name that resonates with your brand

Choose a domain name that resonates with your brand

Selecting a super domain name for your blog can be a daunting mission, but it is also one of the most important decisions you may make. You must be vigilant earlier than opting out for it as “Your domain name is your online identity”, and your readers will discover your blog with the use of the domain. 

Consider this if you’re beginning a food weblog, instead of using a simple name like “foodblog.Com,” use your creativity to provide your readers with something specific like “TastyBitesHub.Com” or “Foodiesfoodcorner.Com.” These names are catchy, simple, SEO-friendly, and precise to the niche. There are tools to test whether the domain you used isn’t used by anyone else. So it’s wise to check it before creating a very last decision. 

Some web hosting websites also provide domains for free. If web hosting is your go-to, then you don’t need to worry about the domain. There are several web hosting websites:

Select the right CMS and blog template to streamline workflow

Now comes the next step, choosing the right CMS (Content Management System). A CMS is basically like a website-building tool that lets you create and manage your website without having to be a coding genius. It’s super handy because you can easily make changes to your site, add new content, and generally keep things up-to-date without tearing your hair out over HTML code. 

CMS platforms also give you the power to customize your domain (that’s your website’s address), as well as set up subdomains so you can connect different pages together. Pretty cool, right? So here you are, with a bunch of different options out there that are tried and true, like:

  • WordPress: This one is a classic. It’s been around forever and is remarkably user-friendly.
  • Blogger: If you’re just dipping your toe in the blogging waters, this one is probably a great desire. It’s quite basic but receives the job performed.
  • Tumblr: If you are seeking something extra visually orientated, Tumblr might be up your alley. It’s first-rate for sharing pix and shorter posts.
  • Wix: It’s like an all-in-one website builder, so in case you’re planning on doing some critical customizations, Wix might be worth sorting out.
  • Joomla: This CMS is a chunk! Greater advanced than some of the others in this listing, but it comes with quite a few customization options.
  • Drupal: Another CMS that is geared toward more experienced users, Drupal is extremely good in case you’re searching for something super flexible.
  • Movable Type: This one is not a well-known CMS; however, it’s been around for some time and continues to be a stable option.
  • Typo3: This CMS has got loads of features and customizability; however, it might be a bit overwhelming for beginners.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “How the heck do I choose from all these options?” Well, don’t worry. It can be overwhelming, but taking the time to evaluate your choices can save you a lot of headaches down the road.

How to Pick A WordPress Theme for Your Website

WordPress development agency

Are you ready to create a stunning website using WordPress? Choosing the right theme can make all the difference in how your site looks and performs. Here are some tips to help you pick the perfect theme: 

  1. Make sure your theme is mobile-responsive. More and more people are accessing websites on their phones, so it’s important that your site looks great on any device.
  2. SEO is key. You want your site to rank well in search engines, so look for themes that are built with SEO in mind.
  3. Speed matters! A slow-loading site can turn off visitors and hurt your search engine rankings. Look for themes that are optimized for speed.
  4. Keep it simple and clutter-free. Your visitors should be able to easily navigate your site without feeling overwhelmed. Look for themes that offer a clean design with easy-to-read fonts.
  5. Customization is important. Choose a theme that allows you to easily change colours, layouts, and other elements without needing coding skills.
  6. Shortcodes can save time. Some themes come with built-in shortcodes that allow you to add special formatting to your blog posts without needing to know HTML or CSS.

The great thing about WordPress is that there are thousands of free themes to choose from. While they may not have all the bells and whistles of paid themes, they still offer great functionality and support. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to find the perfect theme for your website in no time!

Stop Wasting Time! Here's How to Pick a CMS That'll Save You Loads of it

You should be a bit choosy while deciding the CMS for your website (keep in mind your website’s priorities). 

  • Look for a platform with a simple interface and drag-and-drop functionality to make creating and editing content a breeze.
  • Pick a CMS that lets you customize design, features, and integration with other tools and services.
  • CMS should have features like meta tags, sitemaps, and customizable URLs to boost your search engine rankings.
  • Make sure your CMS has security measures like SSL certificates, two-factor authentication, and regular updates to keep your website safe.

If you’re starting from scratch and seeking out a perfect CMS, I pretty much advocate WordPress. I’m not just saying that because it’s my favourite, but because it’s very user-friendly and smooth to apply. You do not need to be a tech wizard or coding genius to create, edit, or submit content material on your website.

WordPress has a massive community of customers and developers who’re always adding new functions and improving the platform. So, if you ever find yourself stuck, there are heaps of tutorials and forums that will help you out. 

Additionally, it also gives you the freedom to customize your website like crazy with its wide range of themes and plugins. Want to make your site look like a unicorn threw-up rainbows? You got it. Or do you want to add some cool functionality like an online store or a booking system? No problem. 

Create a content strategy

Unlock the Power of Content Optimization

To create a content strategy, make a content calendar for your blog. Follow these steps:

  1. Set your goals: Before you start planning your content, think about what you want to achieve with your blog. Are you looking to get more traffic? Build up your email list. Establish yourself as an expert in your niche. Figure out what you want and make sure your goals are specific and measurable.
  2. Brainstorm topics: Now that you know what you’re aiming for, start brainstorming some ideas for your content. Think about what your target audience is into and what kinds of problems they might be facing. You can use tools like Buzzsumo or Google Trends to find out what’s hot in your niche.
  3. Pick your format: Once you’ve got a list of topic ideas, decide on the format you want to use for each piece of content. Will it be a blog post, video, infographic, or something else entirely? Depending on what you choose, you’ll need to figure out how much time you need to create each piece.
  4. Make a schedule: Now it’s time to actually plan out your calendar! You can use tools like Google Sheets, Trello, or even just a physical planner to do this. Start by breaking down your content into monthly themes, then fill in specific dates and deadlines for each piece.
  5. Be flexible: Remember, your content calendar is there to guide you, not control you. Life happens, and sometimes you might need to adjust your plans. Don’t worry too much if you need to move things around – just keep working toward your goals, and you’ll be good to go!

A Comprehensive Guide to Jumpstart Your Blog Writing

Blog writing

Okay, so you’re all set with the technical stuff and ready to start blogging! But hold up, don’t jump right into talking about yourself and your new blog. Save that for later.

Instead, start with something easy – like a super-specific topic that only a small group of folks would care about. I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out.

If you pick a topic that’s already been covered by big-shot bloggers or established brands, chances are slim that your post will actually show up on the first page of Google search results. So why not give yourself a fighting chance and choose something unique that hasn’t been covered by more people yet?

Ignite Your Content with Thought-Provoking Questions!

So, if you’re interested in writing a blog and need to make certain it is engaging and keeps your readers involved. That’s great! Anyways before you begin, take a minute to reflect on what makes a reader hooked.

You need to answer the question yourself, “Why would a person keep reading my entire blog post?” What is it that I can offer to my readers to get them involved and engaged while reading the blog post? Maybe it’s a unique angle on a subject, actionable tips, or an interesting story – whatever it is, make sure you understand it!

You ought to remember what makes your target market come again for greater. Is it your writing style, your expertise on a particular topic, or the value you bring to their lives? With this information about what your target market desires, you could tailor your content material to meet their wishes and maintain them coming again for more.

So, take some time to reflect on these questions before you start writing your blog post, and you’ll be well on your way to creating something truly amazing! Go ahead to learn how to write a blog UK.

Craft a blueprint for your blog post that keeps your audience hooked

Reach a much wider audience

It’s time to take control of your content with a well-crafted blog structure! Don’t worry if you’re feeling hesitant – we can create a draft together. Remember, the key to a great blog structure is meeting the needs of your readers. By adopting strategies that provide value, you’ll keep your audience engaged from start to finish. So let’s get started on creating a structure that will leave your readers wanting more! 

Meta title, description and conclusion should be the MUST-HAVE!

When writing a blog or an article, make certain to add these three things: meta title, meta description and conclusion. Now, you might be wondering what these things are all about. Let me break it down for you. The meta title is like the headline of your blog that appears in the search engine results. It’s like the first impression, so you need to make it catchy and attention-grabbing. You wouldn’t want your potential reader to just scroll past it, right?

The meta description, on the other hand, is like a sneak peek of what your blog is all about. It’s a short hint that can entice the reader to click on your blog and read more. Just remember that both the meta title and meta description have character limits. So keep it short and sweet. Your meta title should not exceed 60 characters, while your meta description should not exceed 160 characters if you want to optimize it for SEO.

Then we have the conclusion. Although it comes at the last, we’ll discuss it earlier. This is where you wrap up everything that you’ve written inside the blog. You don’t have to limit yourself here, but it’s always better to keep it concise and user-friendly. Think of it as a lemon squeeze that adds that extra tang to your blog. 

Here are some more tips for a blog post you can’t ignore. So let’s get ahead.

12 Key Components of "How To Write a Blog UK" That Keep Your Readers Coming Back For More

1. An Engaging Introduction

Engaging Introduction

Let’s talk about one of the most important parts of any blog post – the introduction! Seriously, if you don’t hook your readers right off the bat, they’re going to bounce faster than a bouncy ball.

So, what makes a killer introduction? Well, for beginners, start with a shocking statistic or interesting fact that immediately captures your reader’s attention. Your introduction should answer the questions in every reader’s mind. Think about what someone would want to know before diving into your post, and make sure to address those concerns head-on. If you can anticipate their needs and interests, they’ll be way more likely to stick around.

But you don’t want to come across as pushy, either. You don’t want to demand anything from your readers but rather give them a sense that you understand their perspective and have something valuable to offer. As the great poet Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Another pro tip? Don’t waste time talking about yourself. Sure, your story might be interesting (and believe me, I’m all ears), but most people are here to learn something new, not hear about your struggles or successes. Keep the focus on what they’re going to gain from reading your post.

In short, a killer intro should set the tone for your entire post and leave your readers thinking, “Wow, this person really gets me!”. So don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different approaches.

2. Don't overwhelm and starve yourself for perfection

Don’t sweat it if your first few blogs don’t turn out to be masterpieces like the ones written by the experts. Becoming a pro takes time, practice and a whole lot of energy. But while striving for excellence is admirable, it’s important not to let perfectionism become a roadblock to your progress. And let me tell you, comparing your work to others is like inviting discouragement to your party because “Comparison is the thief of joy.” So don’t you dare do that!

On the other hand, some bloggers may struggle with trying to make their writing perfect, spending hours agonizing over every word and sentence. This can lead to “analysis paralysis”, where the blogger becomes so focused on getting everything just right that they end up producing very little content.

Instead, stay positive and determined while you’re writing your first blog. Train your brain to believe “YOU CAN DO IT” because you absolutely can! Just focus on your own progress and improvement, and before you know it, you’ll be churning out some seriously impressive content. Remember, practice makes a man perfect! 

3. Keep yourself friendly so the audience understands you

Audience Interaction

Think about it this way: when you meet someone for the first time, you want to make a good impression, right? You smile, you’re polite, and you try to be easy to talk to – the same goes for writing a blog. You want your readers to feel like they know you and that they can trust what you’re saying. So, how do you do that? Avoid using complicated words or technical jargon. Unless you’re writing about a specific topic that requires those kinds of terms, keep things simple and easy to understand. That way, everyone who reads your blog will be able to follow along. Here are some tips to keep your audience engaged:

4. Give yourself a break

Writing a blog is no easy feat. From brainstorming ideas to researching, drafting, and editing, it can be a time-consuming and mentally draining process. As a writer, it’s important to recognize when you’re reaching your limit and give yourself a break.

Taking a break doesn’t mean abandoning your work or giving up on your goals. It simply means stepping back for a moment to recharge your batteries and clear your mind. In fact, taking breaks can actually help boost your creativity and productivity, allowing you to produce higher-quality content in less time. Remember that taking care of yourself is essential for producing high-quality work over the long term.

5. Add keyword rich h2s and h3s

Let’s talk about H2s and H3s. These little tags might not seem like a big deal, but they can actually have a huge impact on your blog’s search engine rankings.

First of all, what are H2s and H3s? They’re basically just headings – kind of like a table of contents for your blog post. When you use them in your content, they help break it up into smaller, more manageable sections. And the best part? You can add keyword-rich phrases to these headings to help Google understand what your post is all about.

When someone searches for something on Google, the search engine tries to find content that matches their query. By using keywords in your headings, you’re signalling to Google that your post is relevant to that topic. And the more relevant Google thinks your post is, the higher it will rank in search results.

So how do you add keyword-rich H2s and H3s to your blog? Start by thinking about the main focus of your post. What are you trying to communicate? What problem are you trying to solve? Once you’ve figured that out, choose a few keywords or key phrases that reflect that focus.

For example, if you’re writing a post about the benefits of yoga, some good H2s and H3s might be “Why Yoga is Great for Stress Relief” or “How Yoga Can Help Improve Your Flexibility”. These headings not only help break up your content into digestible chunks, but they also incorporate important keywords that will help your post rank higher in search results.

6. Take advantage of your blunders

advantage of your blunders

Let me tell you something – we all make mistakes. Whether it’s a typo in an email or a full-blown disaster of a project, it happens to the best of us. But here’s the good news: you can actually use those blunders to your advantage!

Don’t beat yourself up for not getting it perfect the first time around. Even the most experienced professionals out there make mistakes and don’t produce perfect work every time. So take a deep breath and work with what you’ve got.

Look at your mistake-riddled creation and try to glean what you were really trying to say. Perhaps there is a troublesome distraction that is causing confusion, or alternatively, it could be beneficial to adopt a different approach. Either way, analyzing your mistakes can be like a practice run or a trial period. You can learn from them and grow as a professional.

Remember, anything can be salvaged if you really want it to be. So don’t throw in the towel just yet. Take advantage of your blunders and turn them into your strengths!

7. Center your images and add alt text

Let’s talk about the power of images in your blog. We all are well aware that a picture is worth a thousand words, but it’s only true if you present it in the right way.

That’s why it’s necessary to centre your images – not only it makes your blog look slick and professional, but it also breaks up your text and creates a visual pause for your readers before they dive back into your blog.

But wait, you can’t ignore alt text! By adding alt text to your images, you’re making sure that everyone can access your content. Alt text is basically a brief description of the image that appears when it can’t be displayed.

This helps readers who use screen readers to understand your content too! So don’t forget to take those extra few seconds to centre your pics and add some alt text.

8. Keep your sentences short and to the point

Keep your sentences short and to the point

I know it can be tempting to show off your writing skills by crafting long, complicated sentences that would make your high school English teacher proud. But when it comes to blogging, less is definitely more.

Think about it – your readers are busy people who don’t have a ton of time to sit down and read every word you’ve written. That means you need to make your content as easy to scan and digest as possible.

By breaking up your paragraphs into smaller chunks and using shorter sentences, you’ll create content that’s way easier to understand and follow. And let’s be real; nobody wants to feel like they’re reading a textbook or a legal document when they’re just trying to catch up on their favourite blog.

Plus, using shorter sentences makes your writing feel more approachable and conversational. You don’t want to come across as stuffy or formal in your blog – you want your readers to feel like they’re chatting with a friend over coffee.

9. Add FAQ to answer the common questions

FAQ to answer the common questions

What is an FAQ section on a blog? It’s basically a spot where you can answer the most commonly asked questions you get from your readers. It’s super helpful because it saves you time in the long run and also provides a valuable resource for your readers.

One of the coolest things about FAQs is that they allow you to address any concerns or misunderstandings your readers might have about your content. This clears up any confusion and makes your blog more user-friendly and accessible.

Another perk of adding an FAQ section is that it boosts the credibility of your blog. When visitors see that you’ve taken the time to anticipate their questions and provide helpful answers, they’re more likely to trust you as an expert in your field.

Plus, FAQs can also contribute to your website’s SEO strategy. By using keywords and phrases people commonly search for in your answers, you can help boost your blog’s visibility in search engine results pages.

Now, keep in mind that creating an FAQ section isn’t a one-and-done process – you’ll need to update it regularly with new questions. But it’s definitely worth it because you’ll be providing real value to your readers while freeing up your time to focus on creating even more awesome content.

10. Consider anchor text to interlink other pages

Are you curious about what anchor text is? It’s actually pretty cool! Anchor text is simply words that are clickable and will take you to another page. You know, like when you click on a link that says “click here,” and it magically transports you somewhere else on the internet. That “click here” text is the anchor text!  

Similarly, the words you choose for your anchor text can actually impact how your page ranks in Google search results! So, if you want to rank for a specific keyword, make sure you use that keyword as your anchor text when linking to other pages on your site.

But be careful – you don’t want to overdo it with the same keyword, or Google might flag it as spam. And also, think about which pages you’re linking to. If you want a certain page to rank well, try linking to it from other pages on your site with relevant anchor text.

So, basically, choosing the right anchor text can make a big difference in where your page shows up on Google.

11. Allow guest posts and Optimize your blog for on-page SEO

guest posts and Optimize your blog for on-page SEO

Do you want to reach a wider audience? Well, one great way to do that is by allowing guest posting on your blog.

Once your blog gains a certain level of awareness, other bloggers will likely offer you a guest post. And why not take advantage of this opportunity? Not only does it bring new and fresh content to your blog, but it also introduces your readers to new voices and perspectives.

But what if your blog is still growing, and you don’t have anyone knocking on your virtual door yet? Don’t worry! You can always pay a blogger to place a post with you. This allows you to tap into their established network and reach a wider audience. It’s a win-win situation for both parties involved.

12. Optimize Your Blog for SEO To Gain Maximum Traffic and Engagement

Website's Organic Traffic

Once you’re done putting all your thoughts on paper (or computer screen, in this case), it’s time to work some magic on the on-page elements. But here’s the deal – don’t get all caught up in counting how many keywords you use. If there are to include some relevant ones without ruining the reader’s experience, then go ahead and do it. 

And if you can make your URL shorter and pack in some juicy keywords, then why not give it a shot? Just remember, there’s no need to go nuts and stuff keywords into every nook and cranny of your post. Google’s too smart for that game, so keep it natural and focus on quality over quantity.

6 Expert Tips Every Writer Needs to Know

  1. Stay Up-to-Date: You don’t want to be left in the back of inside the dirt to the latest traits and technologies! Keep up via subscribing to industry newsletters, attending meetings (or at the least looking them online), and studying blogs. By staying updated with the latest trends, you can ensure your content material is sparkling and applicable.
  2. Get Personal: Your readers need to connect to you, so don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and insights. Whether it’s how a particular era has impacted your life or the way you overcame a venture to your business, personalizing your content makes it more relatable and thrilling.
  3. Engage with Your Community: Don’t be a stranger! Encourage your readers to leave comments on your blog posts, respond to feedback, and spark conversations on social media platforms. The more you engage with your community, the more invested they’ll feel in your content.
  4. Provide Value: At the end of the day, your readers are looking for something valuable from your blog. That could be practical tips, insightful commentary, or thought-provoking analysis. Make sure your content leaves readers feeling like they’ve gained something worthwhile from reading it.
  5. Share the Love: Spread the word about your blog by making it easy for readers to share your content on social media. Include social sharing buttons on your website so that readers can easily post your content on their own feeds. This is a great way to increase your reach and bring new readers to your site.
  6. Visualize Your Data: Let’s face it – not everyone loves data. But you can make it more interesting by incorporating data visualization tools like charts, graphs, and tables. This can help illustrate complex information and keep readers engaged throughout your post.

The main body of your blog is the real meat!

When it comes to creating a successful blog, there’s no doubt that the main body of your content is the real meat of the post! While attention-grabbing headlines and captivating introductions are important, it’s what you say within the body of your blog that will ultimately hold your reader’s attention and keep them coming back for more.

But how exactly can you make sure that the main body of your blog post packs a punch? Here are some strategies you can use to make your main body of blog posts more engaging:

  1. Break it down: Long blocks of text can be a snooze-fest. Mix it up by breaking it down into bite-sized paragraphs and use headings to create an easy-to-follow structure.
  2. List it out: Bullet points and lists make your blog reader-friendly. They’re great for organizing information and making it easier for your readers to digest.
  3. Bring the facts: Numbers don’t lie, so use data and statistics to give your content credibility and make it more informative.
  4. Visualize it: Don’t be a bore – add some eye candy! Images, graphs, and videos can jazz up your blog post and help your readers understand your message better.
  5. Call to action: End your piece with a bang! Give your readers something to do, like leaving a comment, sharing on social media or signing up for your newsletter.
  6. Ask away: Engage your readers by asking questions throughout your writing. This will make them think and feel involved in the conversation.

In short, your blog post must be:

  • Applicable
  • Up-to-date
  • informative
  • Enjoyable
  • Genuine
  • Easy to understand

Should you use free blogging platforms or go for a paid version?

The Benefits of Free Blogging Platforms

Benefits of Free Blogging Platforms

The benefits of using a free platform are clear: they cost nothing and are easy to use. For personal blogs or for beginners, a free blogging platform may seem like a great option. However, the downsides to free blogging platforms outweigh their benefits in almost every case.

Monetizing Your Blog: Why Free Isn't Always Better

If you’re looking to make money from your blog, a free site is not the go-to. Although some free blogging platforms may have ads, the revenue generated from those ads goes to the owner of the platform, not you. And if you’re putting your time and effort into creating content, you should be able to reap the rewards.

Why Free Blogging Platforms Aren't Suitable for Professional Use

Why Free Blogging Platforms Aren't Suitable for Professional Use

Using a free platform also isn’t a good idea for businesses. Professionalism is key in the business world, and having a website or blog on a free platform just doesn’t look very professional. Plus, if you create a separate blog from your main website, you’ll miss out on the SEO benefits of having all your content in one place.

The Risks of Using a Free Blogging Platform

Perhaps the biggest downside to using a free blogging platform is the risk of losing everything. You don’t have complete control over your blog, which means if the platform shuts down or disappears, so does your blog. And even if you can back up your posts, you’ll still have to start from scratch building a new audience.

Building Your Brand: Why a Professional Look Matters

Having a professional-looking website or blog is crucial when it comes to building your brand. If you want to be taken seriously as a blogger or business owner, investing in a paid platform that gives you more control, flexibility, and the ability to monetize your content is definitely worth it.

Control and Flexibility: The Importance of Investing in a Paid Platform

Investing in a Paid Platform

Investing in a paid blogging platform gives you more control over your content, the ability to customize your site, and the flexibility to monetize your blog. Plus, with a paid platform, you won’t have to worry about losing everything if the platform shuts down or disappears.

Common Flaws of Free Blogging Platforms

  • Using free blogging platforms means you have limited control over your website. They reserve the right to suspend or delete your website at any time.
  • Unlike self-hosted websites, which offer complete customization freedom with the ability to add custom themes and plugins, using free website builders restricts you to pre-built templates with limited customization options.
  • Free Website builders may have restrictions on the amount of storage and bandwidth available to you, as well as limitations on the number of pages and products you can have on your site.
  • If you use a free website builder like Wix, you will be stuck with a domain name like instead of your own personalized domain name.

Don't hit publish without these 6 must-haves!

1. Proofread your blog

Don’t forget to proofread your blog. It may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people skip this step. Spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and typos can really hurt your credibility as a writer and take away from the main message of your post. So take some extra time to read through your post carefully or have someone else give it a once-over. 

2. Use call-to-action

Use call-to-action

Use a call-to-action to encourage your readers to take a specific action after reading your post. Whether it’s leaving a comment, sharing your post on social media, or subscribing to your newsletter, a clear and concise call-to-action can really boost your user engagement and help you achieve your goals for your blog post. 

3. Optimize your page titles and headers

Optimizing your page titles and headers is also crucial in helping search engines understand what your post is about and making your content more navigable for your readers. Make sure your page title accurately reflects the topic of your post and contains relevant keywords. Additionally, use headers to break up your content into smaller, more digestible sections. 

4. Check that the blog is mobile-friendly

Mobile responsive design

With so many people browsing the web on their phones and tablets these days, it’s super important that your blog works well on mobile devices. If your blog is clunky or difficult to navigate on a smartphone, you risk losing a big chunk of your audience.

5. Ensure that all images are compressed

Large image files can really slow down your website, which can hurt your user experience and search engine rankings. By compressing your images, you can reduce their file size without sacrificing quality, which will ensure that your website loads quickly and smoothly.

6. Track the performance of your blog post over time

Track the performance of your blog post over time

Keeping an eye on metrics like page views, engagement, and conversions can give you a better idea of what’s working well and where there’s room for improvement. Use these insights to make data-driven decisions about future blog posts and keep improving your content strategy. 


Now you have all the knowledge and guidance for “how to write a blog UK”. I hope that this guide has helped clear up any confusion you may have had, but if there is anything else you’re unsure about, don’t hesitate to ask! Our team of experts is always here to provide you with further guidance.

Remember, writing a successful blog requires not just talent but also hard work and dedication. So be sure to follow the tips and strategies mentioned in this guide, and always strive to improve your writing skills. With a little practice and perseverance, you’ll soon find yourself producing high-quality content that engages and delights your readers.

So go forth and start writing! We can’t wait to see what amazing things you create.

frequently asked questions

To write a blog post in the UK, first, choose a topic that you are passionate about or have expertise in. Then, plan your content by creating an outline and determining the tone and style of your writing. Research and analyze your audience to understand their interests and preferences. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to write, start drafting your blog post.

The cost of writing a blog post in the UK can vary depending on various factors, such as the writer’s level of experience, niche, and length of the post. Freelance writers in the UK typically charge anywhere from £50 to £200 per post. However, some may charge more for specialized topics or additional services like SEO optimization.

Creating a successful blog in the UK requires identifying your unique niche and providing valuable content that resonates with your readers. Engaging with your audience by responding to comments and promoting your blog through social media and other channels can also help attract new followers.

Bloggers in the UK can make money through various methods, including advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services. Advertising revenue can come from ad networks such as Google AdSense, while sponsored content involves working with brands to create promotional posts. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and earning a commission on sales made through your unique referral link.

A blog example could be a personal travel blog where the author shares stories of their travels and provides tips and recommendations for others who are interested in travelling. Another example could be a fashion blog where the author writes about the latest trends and gives advice on how to style different clothing items.

Yes, bloggers can earn money from their blogs through various monetization methods. However, it takes time and effort to build a substantial following and generate significant income.

Nearly 26% of young people who are 5-18 years old read blogs in the UK daily.

Blogs that focus on niches such as finance, health and wellness, and technology tend to make the most money. This is because these niches have a large audience and attract advertisers looking to promote their products or services.

To write a blog post example, start with an attention-grabbing title that accurately reflects the content of your post. Provide valuable and engaging content by sharing your personal experiences, opinions, and insights on the topic. Use subheadings and short paragraphs to improve readability. End with a clear call to action that encourages your readers to engage with your content.

To write your own blog post, choose a topic that you are passionate about or have knowledge of. Conduct thorough research to gather information and organize your ideas. Write in a conversational tone that engages your readers, and use examples or stories to illustrate your points.

A blog post is typically written in a conversational tone, with short paragraphs and subheadings to improve readability. It should be focused on a single topic and provide value to your readers. Including images, videos, and other multimedia elements can help make your post more engaging and shareable.

Bloggers can get paid through various means, including ad revenue, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and selling products or services. Ad revenue comes from displaying ads on your blog, while sponsored posts involve partnering with brands to create promotional content. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and earning a commission on sales made through your referral link. Selling products or services can include selling digital products like ebooks or courses or physical products like merchandise or coaching services.

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